Rochester, NY Chapter Sons of the American Revolution
Membership Info Membership “Any Male shall be eligible to membership in the Society who is a citizen of good repute in the community, is the lineal descendant of an ancestor who was at all times unfailing in loyalty to, and rendered active service in the cause of American Independence, either an officer, soldier, seaman, marine, militia-man or minute-man, in the armed forces of the Continental Congress or of any one of the several Colonies or States, or as a Signer of the Declaration of Independence, or as a member of a Committee of Safety or Correspondence, or as a member of any Continental, Provincial, or Colonial Congress or Legislature, or as a recognized patriot who performed actual service by overt acts of resistance to the authority of Great Britain.”
Upon election to the Society, a Certificate of Membership, suitable for framing, is delivered to the new Compatriot. In addition, membership includes subscriptions to various Chapter, State and National publications including The SAR Magazine and the Rochester Chapter President’s newsletter, published monthly.
Application Process Before doing anything else, contact the Chapter Registrar for copies of the forms and directions you’ll need to have and follow to submit an application to the SAR. He will provide an application form and helpful guidelines to help you with the process. When the form is completely filled out according to the directions provided, submit it along with the required documentation to the Registrar for review. You will need to provide two checks for processing fees (one to the State treasurer and one to the National treasurer). The Registrar will forward your application form and checks for the to State and National authorities for further review and acceptance. If you are a blood relative of an SAR or DAR member, living or dead, notify the Chapter Registrar as that link will help speed the application process. Click here for the SAR application.
Dues and Fees Initial Application: $115 to National; $20 to State
Supplemental Application (for each additional Patriot ancestor): $60 to National; $10 to State
Rochester Chapter Dues: $10 Annually paid in December
The Society does not engage in partisan politics. The firm resolve of the members of the Rochester Chapter is to do at all times those things that will result in a stronger nation and a better-informed and more understanding citizenry. To this end, we the descendants of forefathers who served their country in the American Revolution, pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor. To us, ancestry is not a boast, but a challenge.
Insignia Members wear a membership lapel emblem in the colors of the Society: blue, buff and white, the colors of the original uniform of the Revolutionary War soldier. Other insignia are also available for purchase from the National Society.
Registrar: The Rochester Chapter Registrar is: Gary Fague 6454 Grimble Road. Canandaigua, NY 14424-9336 585-657-6239 [email protected]