Ensign Robert Wilson Society
of the
Children of the American Revolution
of the
Children of the American Revolution
This Society of the Children of the American Revolution meets approximately 6 times a year. Most meetings take place at the Irondequoit Chapter, DAR House in the historic Corn Hill District of Rochester, NY. Meetings are also held occasionally in Seneca Falls and Lima. C.A.R. members enjoy activities with the DAR and SAR such as marching in the Memorial Day Parade in Waterloo, NY, attending joint meetings, ceremonies for Veterans, and other patriotic events. Please contact Senior Society President Mrs. Betty Vinch at [email protected] for information. PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND MEETINGS!
ERW Society is part of the Great Lakes District of the New York State Society, C.A.R. NY State Conference is held yearly in March and the National Conference is held in April. See below for information on upcoming events and photos from past events!
ERW Society is part of the Great Lakes District of the New York State Society, C.A.R. NY State Conference is held yearly in March and the National Conference is held in April. See below for information on upcoming events and photos from past events!
Upcoming Events:
1. Chapter Meetings held quarterly
Event Photos
Veteran's Day Ceremony, Blue Cross Arena Nov 12, 2024
CAR Meeting February 21, 2021
Kids Helping Kids donation to Hilton Cadet Cupboard
Veteran's Day Wreath Laying Ceremony, War Memorial
Making of the CAR Chapter Flag
Waterloo Parade, May 26, 2018
CAR Meeting, DAR House, April 29, 2018
CAR Meeting, Webster Library January 21, 2018
2017 Photos
Honor Flight #55, September 10th
CAR Mtg at the Lasky's, August 1, 2017
CAR Mtg at the Kinsella's, April 29, 2017
CAR Mtg in Hilton, January 16, 2017
2016 Photos
CAR Meeting at the Lasky house, November 19, 2016
Wreath Laying Ceremony, November 12th, War Memorial
Brighton Cemetery Dedication, August 24, 2016
Presentation to the Brighton Town Board, July 27, 2016
CAR Meeting at the Kinsella's June 4, 2016
CAR Meeting at Rundell Library, April 23, 2016
CAR Meeting, January 18, 2016, American Hotel, Lima
2015 Photos
Ms. Gridley and Ms. Andraszek receiving the Martha Washington Medal for their work with CAR
Veteran's Day Ceremony, November 11, 2015
Chapter Meeting, November 8, 2015 @ DAR House
Military Appreciation Night, November 6, 2015
Encampment at the Lasky's, July 16th
Leah with SAR President Duane Booth
CAR Member Alex Zielke graduated from Webster-Thomas High School, Webster NY and will attend Keuka College to study History Education and play lacrosse for the Keuka Wolfpack. Alex is a member of the Ensign Robert Wilson Society, C.A.R. and the Rochester NY Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution.
His great-grandmother, grandmother, mother and aunt, all DAR members, attended the ceremony along with his brother and cousins, all C.A.R. members.
Lockport Cave Tour, June 14, 2015
CAR Meeting, April 26, 2015 at the Lasky's
CAR Mtg at the American Hotel in Lima, January 11, 2015
2014 Photos
CAR Mtg at Victory Church, November 23, 2014
CAR Members at the Blue Cross Arena for the Veterans Day and annual wreath laying Ceremony,
November 11, 2014
July 11th Meeting at the Lasky's
Webster Parade, May 26, 2014
CAR Meeting and Swearing in of officers, April 5, 2014
CAR Meeting on January 26th at the DAR House
2013 Photos
NY State DAR Vice Regent , Nancy Zwetsch, attended an Ensign Robert Wilson Society, C.A.R. meeting on October 27th. The meeting was held at the historic American Hotel in Lima, NY. C.A.R. members presented the State Vice Regent with a "Cherish Our Freedom, Honor Our Veterans" Zerrillo C.A.R. pin. Several program topics were discussed such as: memories of 9/11, The Battle of Gettysburg and several famous leaders (North and South,) as well as member's patriots of the American Revolution and ancestors in the Civil War.