Rochester Chapter, SAR Charter
ROCHESTER Chapter - Decennial History 2015 - 2018
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
ROCHESTER Chapter - Decennial History 2005-2014
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Founders of the Rochester Chapter, SAR - Thanks to the work of Daryl Verstreate Jr.
ROCHESTER Chapter - Decennial History 1995-2004
Chapter History 1995-2004
Military Service Recognition Ceremony at Raddison Hotel, Henrietta May 23, 2009. War Service medals were presented to: Stephen A. Arter (Vietnam), Christopher M. Bailey (Vietnam), Robert E. Brewer (Desert Shield/Storm), William A. Brewer (Vietnam), Robert L. Clark (Korea), Robert P. Clark (Lebanon/Grenada, Panama, Desert Shield/Storm), Robert E. Coomber (Korea), Brent Downing (Vietnam), James M. Eagan (Vietnam), Roy D. Goold (Vietnam), R. Ronald Hanley (Vietnam), David R. Hawley (Vietnam), Dana S. Johnson (WWII), Elijah B. A. Monroe (Vietnam), Robert H. Peters (Vietnam), Preston E. Pierce, EdD (Vietnam), Richard M. Popeck (Lebanon/Grenada), Ronald E. Regal (Korea), Richard H. Seager (Korea, Vietnam), Sean W. Shillington (Desert Storm/Shield), Daryl V. Verstreate, Jr. (Desert Storm/Shield), Andrew W. Watts (Desert Storm/Shield), Stephen R. Whittaker (Vietnam).
Rochester Chapter Members Military Service
List compiled by Daryl Verstreate Jr.
WW2 (7 December 1941 - 31 December 1946)
Fairley, Millard A., Jr. – Army, World War II
Johnson, Dana - 3rd Class Petty Officer, 2 Aug 1946 - 28 Jul 1948
Raiman, Theodore R. – Navy, World War II
Korean War (25 June 1950 - 31 January 1955)
Coomber, Robert E. – Yeoman 2nd Class, Naval Reserve, 1951 - 1957
Crounse, Peter A. – Radarman 3rd Class, Navy, 1955 - 59
Houser, Lee N. - Army, Korean Conflict, 1965-1974
Kidd, Wayne L. US Air Force, S/SGT Radar Technician, 1952-1956
Rapone, Robert L. – Army, Korean Conflict
Regal, Ron - Army 18 Oct 1954 to 10 Oct. 1956
Seager, Richard - New York Army National Guard, 1952 to 1961
White, Charles R. -
(1955- 27 February 1961)
Vietnam War ( 28 February 1961 - 7 May 1975)
Andrews, William - 2nd Lt, 12 Jul 1955 - 11 Sep 1958
Arter, Stephen Amandus – Specialist 4, N. Y. Army National Guard, 11 Feb 1957- 10 Feb 65
Bailey, Chris - 98th Division-Army Reserve 1970 - 1976
Brewer, William A. -
Cheek, Logan McK., CAPT, Army and Army Reserve, 1964 - 68
Clark, Robert L. – LTC, Army and Army Reserve 1950 - 1977
Clarke, Stephan P. – LT, Naval Reserve, 1968 - 70
Cook, Brian - U.S. Coast Guard, 1969 - 1973
Downing, Brent - 14 November 1967 to 12 May 1973
Eagan, Jim - Air force 3 May 1966 to 11 March 1970
Goold, Roy - 15 Dec 1960 - 14 Dec 1966, New York Army National Guard
Hanley, Ron - Cpl. E-4 USMC 3 Jan 1962 -- 4 August 1966
Harris, Leon L. – CAPT, Army Reserve, 1960 - 61
Hawley, David - Spec 5, Army, 1967 - 1968
McCoy, Neil G. -
Monroe, Elijah - E2 1974 - 1976, Navy
Morrill, Robert L. - 1966 - 1970, Army SP/4
Olson, Daniel A. – Peace Corps, Ivory Coast, 1973 - 75
Peters, Robert H. – E-4 / Senior Airman, Air Force, 1971 - 75
Pierce, Dr. Preston - Major, Marine Corps Reserve, 1967 - 2006
Seager, Dick - 9 Jun 1952 - 8 Jun 1961
Whittaker, Stephen R. – Specialist 5, Army, 1968 - 70
Shillington, Todd - April 1978 - Nov 1980
Lebanon/Grenada (24 Aug 1982 - 31 July 1984)
Clark, Robert P. – CDR Navy, 14 May 1982 - 31 May 2002
Popeck, Richard M. – Specialist 5, Army, 1978-84
Panama (20 Dec 1989 - 31 January 1990)
Gulf War (2 August 1990 - Cessation of Government)
Brewer, Robert -
Fleming Todd -
Morrill, Robert A. - 2006 - Present, Army 2LT
Shillington, Sean -
Verstreate, Daryl V., Jr. – PFC, Navy, National Guard, 1994-95; New York Guard, 2007 - 2010
Watts, Andrew - Chief Petty Officer, US Navy
Fairley, Millard A., Jr. – Army, World War II
Johnson, Dana - 3rd Class Petty Officer, 2 Aug 1946 - 28 Jul 1948
Raiman, Theodore R. – Navy, World War II
Korean War (25 June 1950 - 31 January 1955)
Coomber, Robert E. – Yeoman 2nd Class, Naval Reserve, 1951 - 1957
Crounse, Peter A. – Radarman 3rd Class, Navy, 1955 - 59
Houser, Lee N. - Army, Korean Conflict, 1965-1974
Kidd, Wayne L. US Air Force, S/SGT Radar Technician, 1952-1956
Rapone, Robert L. – Army, Korean Conflict
Regal, Ron - Army 18 Oct 1954 to 10 Oct. 1956
Seager, Richard - New York Army National Guard, 1952 to 1961
White, Charles R. -
(1955- 27 February 1961)
Vietnam War ( 28 February 1961 - 7 May 1975)
Andrews, William - 2nd Lt, 12 Jul 1955 - 11 Sep 1958
Arter, Stephen Amandus – Specialist 4, N. Y. Army National Guard, 11 Feb 1957- 10 Feb 65
Bailey, Chris - 98th Division-Army Reserve 1970 - 1976
Brewer, William A. -
Cheek, Logan McK., CAPT, Army and Army Reserve, 1964 - 68
Clark, Robert L. – LTC, Army and Army Reserve 1950 - 1977
Clarke, Stephan P. – LT, Naval Reserve, 1968 - 70
Cook, Brian - U.S. Coast Guard, 1969 - 1973
Downing, Brent - 14 November 1967 to 12 May 1973
Eagan, Jim - Air force 3 May 1966 to 11 March 1970
Goold, Roy - 15 Dec 1960 - 14 Dec 1966, New York Army National Guard
Hanley, Ron - Cpl. E-4 USMC 3 Jan 1962 -- 4 August 1966
Harris, Leon L. – CAPT, Army Reserve, 1960 - 61
Hawley, David - Spec 5, Army, 1967 - 1968
McCoy, Neil G. -
Monroe, Elijah - E2 1974 - 1976, Navy
Morrill, Robert L. - 1966 - 1970, Army SP/4
Olson, Daniel A. – Peace Corps, Ivory Coast, 1973 - 75
Peters, Robert H. – E-4 / Senior Airman, Air Force, 1971 - 75
Pierce, Dr. Preston - Major, Marine Corps Reserve, 1967 - 2006
Seager, Dick - 9 Jun 1952 - 8 Jun 1961
Whittaker, Stephen R. – Specialist 5, Army, 1968 - 70
Shillington, Todd - April 1978 - Nov 1980
Lebanon/Grenada (24 Aug 1982 - 31 July 1984)
Clark, Robert P. – CDR Navy, 14 May 1982 - 31 May 2002
Popeck, Richard M. – Specialist 5, Army, 1978-84
Panama (20 Dec 1989 - 31 January 1990)
Gulf War (2 August 1990 - Cessation of Government)
Brewer, Robert -
Fleming Todd -
Morrill, Robert A. - 2006 - Present, Army 2LT
Shillington, Sean -
Verstreate, Daryl V., Jr. – PFC, Navy, National Guard, 1994-95; New York Guard, 2007 - 2010
Watts, Andrew - Chief Petty Officer, US Navy
Rochester Chapter Past Presidents
First President - Joseph Warren Cutler - 1894-1896
Second President - John Henry Rochester - 1896-1898
Third President - Dr. Enoch Vine Stoddard - 1898-1908
Fourth President - Clinton Rogers - 1911-1912
Fifth President - Harvey Foote Remington - 1912-1915
Sixth President - Hon. Charles Edwin Ogden - 1915-1918
Seventh President - George Burrows Sage - 1918-1921
Eighth President - Raymond Goodrich Dann - 1921-1923
Ninth President - William Bell Boothby - 1923-1925
Tenth President - Howard VanRensselaer Palmer - 1925-1927
Eleventh President - Carl Frederick Propson - 1927-1928
Twelfth President - MAJ Henry William Lampert - 1928-1930
Thirteenth President - Dr. Samuel Woodman Bradstreet - 1930-1932
Fourteenth President - Hon. Charles Edwin Ogden - 1932-1934
Fifteenth President - MAJ Henry William Lampert - 1934-1936
Sixteenth President - Dr. Arthur Caswell Parker - 1936-1938
Seventeenth President - Henry Redman Dutcher, Sr. - 1938-1941
Eighteenth President - Stephen Kenneth Pollard - 1941-1942
Nineteenth President - Roe Taylor Soule - 1942-1944
Twentieth President - Frank McClelland Houston - 1944-1945
Twenty-First President - George Sanford Babcock - 1945-1947
Twenty-Second President - William Harold Keeler - 1947-1948
Twenty-Third President - Walter Bills Kenyon - 1948-1949
Twenty-Fourth President - Harold Goodale Hutchens - 1949-1950
Twenty-Fifth President - Roger Allan Ruth - 1950-1954
Twenty-Sixth President - Ray Forman Fowler - 1954-1955
Twenty-Seventh President - George Smith Taylor - 1955-1956
Twenty-Eighth President - John Merkle Kimble - 1956-1957
Tweny-Ninth President - Charles Davison Snell, Sr. - 1959-1959
Thirtieth President - Henry Redman Dutcher, Sr. - 1959-1962
Thirty-First President - LTC Leonard Carr Treman - 1962-1965
Thirty-Second President - Robert A.G. Spencer - 1965-1966
Thirty-Third President - Ingraham Humphrey - 1966-1970
Thirty-Fourth President - Ray Charles Perry - 1970-1974
Thirty-Fifth President - Charles Frank Weinman - 1974-1976
Thirty-Sixth President - Stuart Clark Rogers - 1976-1978
Thirty-Seventh President - Henry Ralph Emerson - 1978-1978
Thirty-Eighth President - Ralph Emerson Turner - 1978-1982
Thirty-Ninth President - George Alexander Lombart,PhD - 1982-1985
Fortieth President - Roy David Goold - 1985-1986
Forty-First President - Nathan Lewis Sherman - 1986-1986
Forty-Second President - John Henry Heffner - 1986-1989
Forty-Third President - William Henry Kober - 1989-1991
Forty-Fourth President - Stephen Amandus Arter - 1991-2001
Forty-Fifth President - Stephan Paul Clarke - 2001-2006
Forty-Sixth President - Larry Lee Blackman, PhD - 2006-2007
Forty-Seventh President - Michael Lewis Tunison - 2007-2012
Forty-Eighth President - Hon. James M. Eagan - 2012-2016
Forty-Ninth President - Gary S. O'Dea - 2016-
First President - Joseph Warren Cutler - 1894-1896
Second President - John Henry Rochester - 1896-1898
Third President - Dr. Enoch Vine Stoddard - 1898-1908
Fourth President - Clinton Rogers - 1911-1912
Fifth President - Harvey Foote Remington - 1912-1915
Sixth President - Hon. Charles Edwin Ogden - 1915-1918
Seventh President - George Burrows Sage - 1918-1921
Eighth President - Raymond Goodrich Dann - 1921-1923
Ninth President - William Bell Boothby - 1923-1925
Tenth President - Howard VanRensselaer Palmer - 1925-1927
Eleventh President - Carl Frederick Propson - 1927-1928
Twelfth President - MAJ Henry William Lampert - 1928-1930
Thirteenth President - Dr. Samuel Woodman Bradstreet - 1930-1932
Fourteenth President - Hon. Charles Edwin Ogden - 1932-1934
Fifteenth President - MAJ Henry William Lampert - 1934-1936
Sixteenth President - Dr. Arthur Caswell Parker - 1936-1938
Seventeenth President - Henry Redman Dutcher, Sr. - 1938-1941
Eighteenth President - Stephen Kenneth Pollard - 1941-1942
Nineteenth President - Roe Taylor Soule - 1942-1944
Twentieth President - Frank McClelland Houston - 1944-1945
Twenty-First President - George Sanford Babcock - 1945-1947
Twenty-Second President - William Harold Keeler - 1947-1948
Twenty-Third President - Walter Bills Kenyon - 1948-1949
Twenty-Fourth President - Harold Goodale Hutchens - 1949-1950
Twenty-Fifth President - Roger Allan Ruth - 1950-1954
Twenty-Sixth President - Ray Forman Fowler - 1954-1955
Twenty-Seventh President - George Smith Taylor - 1955-1956
Twenty-Eighth President - John Merkle Kimble - 1956-1957
Tweny-Ninth President - Charles Davison Snell, Sr. - 1959-1959
Thirtieth President - Henry Redman Dutcher, Sr. - 1959-1962
Thirty-First President - LTC Leonard Carr Treman - 1962-1965
Thirty-Second President - Robert A.G. Spencer - 1965-1966
Thirty-Third President - Ingraham Humphrey - 1966-1970
Thirty-Fourth President - Ray Charles Perry - 1970-1974
Thirty-Fifth President - Charles Frank Weinman - 1974-1976
Thirty-Sixth President - Stuart Clark Rogers - 1976-1978
Thirty-Seventh President - Henry Ralph Emerson - 1978-1978
Thirty-Eighth President - Ralph Emerson Turner - 1978-1982
Thirty-Ninth President - George Alexander Lombart,PhD - 1982-1985
Fortieth President - Roy David Goold - 1985-1986
Forty-First President - Nathan Lewis Sherman - 1986-1986
Forty-Second President - John Henry Heffner - 1986-1989
Forty-Third President - William Henry Kober - 1989-1991
Forty-Fourth President - Stephen Amandus Arter - 1991-2001
Forty-Fifth President - Stephan Paul Clarke - 2001-2006
Forty-Sixth President - Larry Lee Blackman, PhD - 2006-2007
Forty-Seventh President - Michael Lewis Tunison - 2007-2012
Forty-Eighth President - Hon. James M. Eagan - 2012-2016
Forty-Ninth President - Gary S. O'Dea - 2016-